Valuable Advice for a Happy Family,Husbands, love your wives,parents,childrens,happy family,respect your husband and wife.

Valuable Advice for a Happy Family:-
                       Everyone wants their family to be very happy and satisfied, their wife, their children should all be very happy. Let us see in this article how everyone in the family i.e. husband, wife and children should be happy, how to be happy.

Husbands, love your wives  :-

                                                 A husband must love his wife as he loves his own body. A man who loves his wife loves himself. For every man loves his own body.does not hate Rather, he nurtures it. The head of the family is the husband. But a good husband never treats his wife harshly or dominates her. On the contrary, he cares for her, values ​​her and understands her. Also, he always tries to please her. And he doesn't expect her to do as he says. He openly tells her what he feels and thinks. Also, he quietly listens to her. He doesn't get angry with her, he doesn't beat herHer heart is not hurt by her or your words. 

Be faithful to your spouse:- 

                     When a boy gets married to a girl, an unbreakable bond is formed between them. To keep this relationship as it is, they should talk openly with each other. And we should please each other by doing small things. Also, they should be faithful to each other. That is, they should not have any relationship outside of marriage. Because it makes the spouse very sad. There is no trust in them. And the family falls apart. children,Listen to your parents 'Children, obey your parents. Respect your father and mother. Children should listen and respect what their parents say. This keeps happiness and peace in the family. When children grow up to care for their parents, they show that they respect them. Even if children do not live with their parents, they must meet their parents' needs and ensure that the home they live in is in order.

 Parents, to your children Teach:-
                                   "Educate a child in the right way, so that even in old age he will not turn away from it. Parents have the responsibility to guide their children. For example, they should teach their children how to treat others. But before that they should act like that themselves. Parents should not immediately get angry with children when they do something wrong. So before speaking anything, he should listen to them quietly. And if a fault needs to be corrected, they should correct it not in anger, but in love. 

Wives, yours Treat your husband with respect :-

                                A wife should respect her husband deeply. When a wife respects her husband and supports his decision, there is peace in the family. She does not insult him when he does something wrong. On the contrary, even then she treats him with respect. Also, if she wants to talk to him about a problem, she waits for the right time and speaks to him with great respect. In these articles we have seen how we should treat our wives, how we should treat our children, how we should be faithful in our marriages, and how wives should treat their husbands with respect. 

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