Health of women and children and harmful effects of environment

"Health of women and children and harmful effects of environment

Table Of Contents :-

1) Environment and Women and Children.

2) Reasons for special consideration regarding health and other welfare matters of children and women.

3) Why is the infant mortality rate still high?

4) Measures to keep women and children healthy.

1) Environment and Women and Children :-

 Health and environment are interrelated. Degradation of environment also leads to deterioration of health. You know how depletion of natural resources, degradation of ecosystems and improper disposal of waste affect people's health.

The subjects of health and environment are closely related to each other because if the environment is in order, then the health of man and all living beings living on earth can be maintained in order. If the air is pure, pure oxygen will be supplied to human health, so he will not get any diseases, he will remain healthy, and if the water is clean and not polluted, then all the organisms on earth will remain healthy.

 The more we keep the environment balanced, the better we keep it, the more we reduce the pollution, the more the environment will be clean and beautiful, and thus the health of the people will be healthy. So in these articles we will see how pollution and resource depletion have a devastating impact on women and children.

 The harmful effects of pollution and resource degradation mainly affect women and children. E.g. Exposure to pesticides, chemicals and chronic organic pollutants can harm the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Contaminants from mother's milk can pose a risk to the baby's health if they enter the stomach. 

Children may be more susceptible to the effects of pollutants at an early age, and the effects can be felt later in life. Lead in the air, as well as mercury and other chemicals in food, can cause permanent disorders, e.g. Infertility and abortion in women and some birth defects in children.

2) Reasons for special consideration regarding health and other welfare of children and women are as follows:

As boys and girls are in a growth phase, various bodies in their bodies, viz. Immune system, respiratory system etc., are not matured. Also their body is not strong enough to fight the harmful effects of pollution.

Women need proper and adequate nutrition, rest and maintenance during pregnancy and after childbirth.

 A woman has to perform many tasks at the same time. To nurture children for their proper physical and mental development until they grow up; They have to take care of the health of other family members as well as many other tasks. To perform all these tasks well, a woman should be healthy and strong.

In the case of many women, their health is neglected from a young age. Its consequences are not limited to themselves, but to their families and society as a whole.

Despite the progress of science, the infant mortality rate in the world is still high. This ratio is also big in our country.

3) Why is the infant mortality rate still high?

A global study found that the leading causes of death for children under the age of five are:

(1) Erosive disease caused by contaminated water and improper sewage. (2) Respiratory diseases due to indoor air pollution especially kitchen fumes.

(3) Family livelihood problem due to deforestation.

(4) Malnutrition caused by poverty.

4)Measures to keep women and children healthy:-

 Often there are simple, easy and low-cost solutions to environmental and health problems. E.g. Filtering and disinfecting drinking water at home improves its quality tremendously. Therefore, the risk of diseases like hagvani can be reduced at a low cost. The use of improved grates reduces the amount of indoor air pollution.

 Hazardous toxic chemicals need to be properly stored, used safely and avoided if possible. Especially crawling children like to touch and taste things in the house. Such chemicals and other things should be kept away from them. Taking the precaution of using mosquito nets to protect yourself from mosquitoes can reduce the risk of malaria. This is especially important for children.

Education is the key to reform. Women who are properly informed about the problems and solutions can effectively reduce or eliminate their impact by understanding the health risks at home and in the community.

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