Have the right attitude towards money ,Money makes the world run ?,What is your attitude towards money?,money,money is good or bad?

 Have the right attitude towards money :-

• Money makes the world run ?:-

 people say, and to some extent it is true is Today, money is needed to buy food grains and clothes, as well as to pay rent or buy a house. A magazine editor wrote, "Money plays a very important role in daily life. If we stop using money as a means of exchange, within a month people will be panic-stricken, the world will be like war.

• But money cannot buy everything :-

                                Arne from Norway Garborg describes it beautifully in his poem: Money can buy food but not hunger; Medicines can be obtained but not health; A soft mattress can be found but no sleep; Knowledge can be gained but not understanding; Jewelry can be obtained but not beauty; There may be affection but not intimacy; One can have fun but not be happy; Acquaintances will be made but true friends will not be found; You will get servants but you will not get honesty. A person should go with the right attitude that one wants to earn money to live, not to live to earn money You can be satisfied. “The love of material [money] is a root of all evil; By his side ... [many] may be said to have pierced themselves with many regrets.

 Note that money is not bad but greed for money is bad. Giving too much importance to money can create a rift between friends and family members. 

• What is your attitude towards money? 

Self-examination will help you understand whether your attitude towards money is right or not. 

Ask yourself the following questions,

-[Do I get behind schemes or businesses that make me dream of becoming an overnight millionaire? 

-If someone asks me for money, do I find it difficult to help? 

-Do I like to be friends with people who constantly talk about money and the expensive things we have? 

-[ Do I make money by lying or cheating? 

-[ Do I think that only if I have money, I will get a big name in the society? 

-Am I constantly thinking about money? 

-I am neglecting my health and family in the name of earning money Why? 

If your answer is 'yes' to any of the above questions, then you need to change your attitude towards money. Avoid friendship with people who value money and expensive things. On the contrary, associate with people who are better than money, and Emphasis on maintaining good relations with everyone. "In the above articles we have seen how important money is in life and how important we should be.Money is very important in today's world but people lose happiness in the pursuit of more money so we should pay attention to how we can be satisfied with less money.

             We see in the society that those who have a lot of money are also unhappy and the poor person who has less money is also happy, we should pay some attention to this.We should be satisfied.  

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