The Story of Usha Mehta and Congress Radio

     Usha Mehta was a Gandhian and freedom fighter of India

In India's freedom struggle of 1942, there was a 22 years old girl who bravely tried to spread the message of unity to all Indians by starting a radio station despite the oppression of the British. The name of that 22-year-old brave girl was Usha Mehta, who was a law student in Bombay.

On August 8, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi held a meeting at Gowalia Tank Maidan. From this ground Mahatma Gandhi told all the Indians that this is our last war with the British.

He gave a mantra of the last war from this meeting that The mantra was do or die. Usha Mehta was also present in that ground. She listened to Gandhiji's full speech, She took Gandhiji's mantra and started thinking about how she could contribute to freedom.This 22-year-old girl was ready to give her life for the country. This 22-year-old girl took a 
Oath of celibacy for the freedom of our country.

Usha Mehta, who was highly regarded by Mahatma Gandhi. As soon as this revolutionary was arrested, the youth rose up, Usha Mehta and her two friends began to discover that How can we reach the people with the message of unity?. Along with Usha she had two friends Fahad Ahmed and Kaushik who both wanted to do something for our country.Together these three tried to find out how we could get the message of the revolutionaries to the masses.

The British banned the Congress considering that the message of unity was being given to the Indians by many meetings. At the same time Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabh bhai Patel, Maulana Azad were all arrested by the British.

The British tried to suppress the voice of Indians by arresting all of them.Their aim was to convey the news of the mutiny to the all Indians.They needed a medium to convey this message of unity to the people but at that time all the radio stations, news papers and meetings in India were banned by the British.

At the same time, the British had also sealed the Congress Godown and the recorded speeches of the revolutionaries were all in the Congress Godown.It was very necessary to get the recorded speeches out of the Congress godown and to find a medium through which the message could be conveyed to the whole of India.
Usha and her friends thought a lot after which they came up with the idea of ​​a radio station but the big challenge they faced was how to start the radio station and where to get it from. At the same time he remembered an engineer who had all the materials for a radio station, so he went to that engineer and demanded the radio station.

But starting a radio station was not that easy in those days.If anyone starts a radio station, the British would prosecute him for sedition.But these three were not afraid of it, they wanted to reach the people through the radio station at any cost. But at that time the cost of starting a radio station was around Rs 4,000, which was equal to the cost of one kg of gold.

Without any thought, Usha immediately said I will pay four thousand rupees. She was a student. She did not have any monetary income but she had ambition to do something for the country, so she immediately agreed. All three of them started to arrange money, they themselves sold almost everything, her grandmother also helped her.
After doing something, the three of them added four thousand rupees, after which they bought all the materials needed for the radio station from that engineer.

They started a radio station in Babulnath in a building called Alankar.He set the receiver at 42.34 meters.He named his radio station as Congress Radio. He started his radio station by recording the song Vande Mataram.He had already brought the recorded speeches of the revolutionaries from the Congress Godown.He started playing recorded speeches of revolutionaries on his radio station.

The radio station became so famous that all Indians started listening to 42.34 radio station without fail at exactly 8:30pm.The British also heard about this radio station. He immediately started trying to find the location of this radio station.Usha and her friends were doing a very brave thing, they also knew that if we were found, the British would not let us go alive ,But they did not care about their own lives Patriotism was very important for them.

The Quit India movement was almost completely suppressed by the British, but the Congress radio revived the movement The Quit India Movement was almost completely suppressed by the British, but Congress Radio revived the movement.It was at this time that Usha and her friends met Ram Manohar Lohia who praised Usha and her friends very much.Ram Manohar Lohia included these three in his organization.They wanted to convey the message to all the Indians through this radio station, they wanted to increase the frequency of the radio, for that some technical things had to be done.

In order to reach the radio station in every home, it was necessary to increase the frequency of the radio, for that they needed a rectifier.Ram Manohar Lohiya arranged the rectifier but Usha had to go to get the rectifier, she planned properly and got the rectifier without caring about her life.The person to whom she had gone to bring the rectifier, was first raided by the police ,usha bravely risked his life to retrieve the rectifier and escape the clutches of the British.

Usha and her two friends get a rectifier and bring it back to their radio station.It became easy to convey the message to all the Indians in every corner and even outside India.The British had almost traced the location of the radio station.They escaped before the British reached their location To free these three from the clutches of the British, a revolutionary was martyred, he sacrificed his life for his country.

Ram Manohar Lohiya now decided to convey the message of the last war to all Indians.The British started the radio station as they were able to trace the location of the radio station so this task became very difficult.Yet Usha had no fear of British oppression She only knew that she wanted India to get freedom as soon as possible, so she was ready to do anything for it.Ram Manohar Lohia recorded his voice to convey the idea of ​​the last war to the people and that recording voice was now to be broadcast to all Indians using a radio station.The brave work of conveying this message to the people was done by Usha. Usha switched the radio station to another location and started relaying this message. At the same time the British officers found her location, they reached that location but still Usha did not budge.

She did not allow her radio station to shut down until the complete message reached to all Indians.Finally, Usha completed the brave task of conveying the message of Ram Manohar Lohia to all Indians.
The British police arrested her and tortured her a lot but she did not give any information to them and she continued to endure the torture.
Finally, Usha was sentenced to four years in prison.When Usha came out of jail in 1946 after completing her four-year sentence, she was welcomed by over 20,000 anti-British protesters.Thus a 22-year-old girl, Usha Mehta, risked her own life and did a very brave job in getting freedom for India despite the British.

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